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Ohaaki Heat, Split Pine, Kiln Dried Firewood, perfect for keeping you warm all winter long.

Get more Bang for your Buck buy ordering in a larger quantity!

6 cubic metres of traditionally split and kiln-dried to ensure maximum dryness and heat output.

With guaranteed dryness, you can be sure to get more heat from each piece of wood, making it an efficient and cost-effective option for heating your home.

Get your hands on this  kiln-dried firewood, ready to burn and keep you cozy during the colder months. 

*The price includes delivery within urban Rotorua, and our tipper truck will back up and tip off the firewood as close as it is able to your desired location.

ROTORUA -6m3 Split Pine, Kiln Dried 'READY TO BURN' delivered*

SKU: 6m3 RTO
$839.90 Regular Price
$824.90Sale Price
  • Outside of Urban Rotorua deliveries are priced and done on a case by case basis, please fill out our rural delivery form and we will send you a quote back... 

    Outside of Rotorua Urban zone includes: Hamurana and rural Ngongotaha, Mamaku, Tikitere (any address north of Rotorua) Airport, Ngakuru, Waikite, Rerewhakaitu, Rotorua Lakes district(Rotoma, Rotoiti, Okeraka, Tarawera etc), and other Rotorua Surrounds. if you are not sure just flick us a quick email and we will let you know.

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