No Stress
Easy Lighting
Provides Quick, Consistent, comforting Heat from your fireplace
Use less wood to heat your Room/Home
No Mess
No Bugs or creepy-crawly surprises. Our kiln drying process also heat treats the wood killing any nasties that might give you a surprise.
Kiln-dried firewood burns cleaner, meaning less chimney cleaning costs.
Produces less ash to remove from your firebox
Less blackening of your glass fire door.
Saves Money
By using less wood to achieve heat in your home.
No wasting energy by having to ‘Boil-off’ the moisture in the wood before it can give you heat.
Less Pollution
Burning Kiln Dried wood greatly reduces the Particulate Emissions (known as PM2.5 and PM10) produced when burning wood.
These microscopic particles can penetrate deep into your lungs. Causing a multitude of health problems as well as contributing to the Growing amount of Particulate Matter polluting our World.
Better Health
A Warm Dry home not only feels great it helps keep your family healthy and happy.
Research shows poorly heated homes lead to many health issues such as asthma, bronchitis, rheumatic fever, and infectious skin diseases due to cold and damp environments.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends a minimum average indoor temperature of 18 degrees Celsius in the winter.
Guaranteed heat
Certified Dry – no doubt or guesswork in what you are receiving
no waiting for seasoning or running out in mid-winter and having to ‘make do with wet’ or poorly seasoned wood that produces more smoke, pollutants, mess and compromises air quality.